Friday, February 12, 2010


I've added a bunch of links to the sidebar including my Posterous Page and a link to a gallery of all the pictures I've ever posted to this blog. After taking a few weeks off, its time to get back to regular posting and linking. I'm now motivated by a sudden and unexpected jump in the number of followers to this site's RSS feed. Wherever you all came from, welcome. I hope you find things here mildly entertaining and feel free to let me know what you think by leaving comments.


I've enabled Google Buzz through my gmail and am not sure what to do with it. I guess now I'm a bit more connected to the 5 people in my address book who also use gmail. Strange. I don't have a Facebook. I had a Myspace for a few weeks that never got looked at and I haven't logged onto twitter in a month and a half. I guess I just needed more social networking gear to ignore. I did get Buzzed an awesome photo essay about butchering a pig from my brother the other day though. (photos not safe for vegetarians or weak stomached meat eaters like my wife. ) I love the Internet sometimes. I don't really get the whole Buzz thing yet and I might not ever, but for now its another distraction from more productive uses of my computer, and I'm always on the lookout for that.


9 Awesome posters by Ross Berens. One for each of the planets. (Hat tip to for the link yet again.) I linked Jupiter but make sure you check out Pluto. I wish I had a room where I could hang all nine.

An amazing collection of black and white nature photography by a fella named Nick Brandt. I was going to post one of the lion shots since the lion has become a symbol of sorts for Liam, but this shot (and all the elephant shots.) just blew me away.


While I'm in my paragraph then pics rhythm, I might as well show you today's daddy picture. Karin sends a picture of Liam from her phone to my computer at work every day to say hi. It helps get me through every day of being away from them and is anticipated by a few of my co-workers each day as well. "Where's today's picture?" they ask each afternoon. It is growing to be a fantastic collection and since they are from her blackberry they are a nice manageable size for sending around quickly. I have been slacking on the photo thing lately as I would rather hold Liam in my hands than a camera but I have the next 4 days off of work and will have more time with him to indulge in some picture taking. Anyway, here is today's picture. Liam is ready for his close-up and his mom is doing very well at giving me a creative new angle in every shot.

We here at Pressure Support have voiced our own support for one miss Regina Spektor(third to last paragraph) in this space before. Her newest album has meant so much to both Karin and myself as we made our way through a difficult summer. It will always be connected in my mind to Liam and his trach simply because it was what we listened to during the weeks and months before and after his surgeries. I have posted video of Regina performing a song that is clearly about a hospital stay with a chorus that brings such hope to issues that Liam was going through at the time.

Hold on, one more time with feeling,
Try it again, Breathing's just a rhythm
Say it in your mind until you know that the words are right
This is why we fight.

And so connected are we to another of her songs performed this week on the Jimmy Fallon show. We all watched the performance tonight off of the DVR and the moment and meaning were not lost as we all sang along with the chorus. . .

Hooked into a machine, hooked into a machine,
Hooked into a machine,
I'm hooked into, hooked into...

All the while with Liam being . . . hooked ... into ... a machine.


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