Sunday, January 10, 2010

Up, up and away, or actually Away and then "Up"

A banner day for Liam as it was his first venture out of the house that had nothing to do with medical issues or doctors. Tonight Liam went to his grandmother's house for dinner. He even ate there. It was a wonderful change of pace for the whole family to have all three of us leave the house together. We didn't stay long, only a few hours but it was completely worth it for Liam and my parents who couldn't contain their excitement. I was a bit frustrated in packing all of his equipment into the car and spending the half hour getting ready to go only 4 blocks away but I was quickly sure that it was absolutely necessary. We all had fun and got more practice being on the go. It truly was a very worthwhile adventure.

Speaking of adventure, we watched Pixar's Up when we got home.



I cannot remember the last time I enjoyed a movie this much. Story, Visuals, Script, this movie was incredible. I am absolutely cheesy enough to tell you that I laughed and I cried at this movie. Not just the best animated movie I've seen in quite a while but the best movie I have seen in quite a while. I had read nothing but glowing reviews for this movie online when it was released and thought the hype might overshadow it but I could not have been more wrong. If for some reason you waited as long as I did to see this movie, go and get it now.

Karin and I joined a gym. We have both been trying to start living healthier and this will also give us a reason to get out of the house a bit more often. While I get to socialize when I'm at work Karin seldom spends time out with people other than Liam and his nurses. This will help there too. Needless to say after only two visits I'm pretty sore today and figure I will be for the next few weeks as I get used to so much activity. I'm pretty pumped about getting into better base ball shape for this year's Providence Grays season. I can't wait for Liam to watch his dad play.

Well, Liam is falling asleep and so am I, so I bid you all good night.

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