Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day three.

Day three has been the most eventful yet for Hospital Stay # 4. I just changed his fifth dirty diaper! A huge step towards getting better. He has been battling some seizures because with him so backed up the last 4 days not much of his medication has been absorbed into his system. After 2 days of trying we finally convinced enough doctors that the best thing to do is change his doses to be put into his IV not his feeding tube. We have the access point while here at the hospital we might as well use it.

After a very, very, rough night last night the poops this morning was a welcomed sight. He fell asleep in the early afternoon and slept better than he has in at least 4 days. He looked calm and comfortable which has us all very excited.

Karin's turn to spend the night with Liam and I will hold down the fort at home. The cats have gotten very ornery lately without any human contact and so I'll try to pet them before I crash into bed. Very little sleep last night should keep me tired enough to fight off worry induced insomnia.

Hope everyone had a better weekend than we did.

Night all.

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